Board Inclusion, Diversity & Belonging Policy

QinetiQ Group plc (the “Company”) recognizes and values the advantages that diversity brings to its Board and Committees. Diversity, in our view, encompasses a wide spectrum of factors, including but not limited to gender, gender identity, ethnicity, socio-economic background, neurodiversity, and a variety of other characteristics. A diverse Board not only reflects the diverse nature of our operating environment and stakeholders but also enhances effectiveness through a variety of perspectives, approaches, and thoughts.

The broad principles of diversity contained in this Policy apply to all employees of QinetiQ Group plc. The Inclusion, Diversity & Belonging Strategy contains diversity and inclusion provisions in respect of QinetiQ employees generally and this Policy has been prepared to extend these provisions to the QinetiQ Board. This Policy, also addresses the specific requirements of the UK Corporate Governance Code and UK Listing Rules.


The Board, supported by the Nominations Committee, aims to:

Board Composition:

  • Ensure that the Board comprises individuals with a diverse range of skills, experience, knowledge, and backgrounds.
  • Meet or exceed the target of at least 40% female representation on the Board.
  • Aim to have at least one senior board position Chair, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), or Senior Independent Director (SID) held by a woman.
  • Endeavour to have at least one Board Director from a minority ethnic background.

Board Committees:

  • Consider diversity in its broadest sense when considering the composition of standing Board Committees.

Senior Management Diversity:

  • Increase diversity, including gender and ethnic diversity, within senior management and leadership roles.
  • Support action plans on gender diversity within the Senior Management team, aiming for at least 30% female representation by 2030.
  • Support initiatives to enhance ethnic diversity within the Senior Management team by the end of 2027.

Engagement with Executive Search Firms:

  • Only engage with executive search firms that have signed up to the voluntary Code of Conduct on gender and ethnicity.
  • Require search firms to present qualified candidates from minority ethnic groups for Board appointment consideration.

Talent Development and Support:

  • Encourage and support candidates from diverse backgrounds to pursue executive roles internally and Board/trustee roles externally.
  • Provide mentorship and sponsorship opportunities for individuals from minority ethnic groups within the employee (people) population.
  • Ensure the organisation matures diversity and inclusion data to inform strategic priorities supporting the identification, development and promotion of diverse talent.
Monitoring and Reporting:

The Nominations Committee, supported by the Board, will annually review the composition of the Board and assess progress towards diversity objectives. The Committee will report on Board diversity and inclusion initiatives in the Company's Annual Report and Accounts, including measurable objectives, progress made, succession planning efforts, and the gender balance of senior managers and their direct reports.


The Nominations Committee will regularly review this policy to ensure its alignment with the Company's diversity goals and evolving best practices.


The Board is responsible for overseeing the implementation of this policy. A summary of the policy will be maintained on the Company’s website.

Adopted by the Board of the Company on 21 March 2024.