Adaptive Working

Helping us to reach our potential, share knowledge and deliver for our customers while balancing our team and individual needs.

Adaptive working

Adaptive Working enables us to focus on not just where we work but how and when we work, giving us greater flexibility and choice. It also helps us to operate more efficiently, supporting us to perform at our best for our customers.


Our global guide sets out our Business led Adaptive Working principles – working flexibly; global collaboration and knowledge sharing, and business focus – providing information on how we can incorporate them into the way we work. It also includes more detail on the positive impact it will have on areas such as wellbeing, Diversity & Inclusion, and digital transformation. Feeling empowered as individuals and as teams to have open conversations about where, when and how we work, supports us to get the best outcome for our customers while balancing our work and personal life. 

Recognising that ‘one size’ does not fit all, how Adaptive Working is incorporated into our ways of working within each of our countries, businesses and functions is managed locally; putting decision making on our optimal ways of work at the centre of our business.

Our ambition is to be a best in class global employer, underpinned by our high-performance inclusive culture. To realise this ambition, we continue to enhance our culture by improving our business-led inclusivity and working environment and ensuring we all have the right tools to work at our best.


This is a long-term and iterative approach. We encourage each other to join the conversation about how we can support an inclusive environment, helping each other in realising our potential and ultimately doing what we do best; delivering outstanding solutions for our customers.