The 5% Club

Investing in a generation

The 5% Club is targeted at employers who want to re-balance the economy and build Britain’s long-term prosperity. By encouraging employers to offer great ‘earn and learn’ opportunities for young people, we see this as a key step in developing the future skills, knowledge and experience needed across the UK.

The 5% Club is focused on creating momentum behind the recruitment of apprentices and graduates into the UK workforce. Its members consist of employers in the UK who want to make a difference. Inspiring the next generation is not enough – we must invest in it.

The Club launched on 2013 with six founding Member Companies Founding companies

Each member company signs The 5% Club charter and pledges to be:

  • Committed to helping the country's growth agenda and acknowledge the importance of developing our people as both a business and social imperative
  • Playing our part in addressing youth unemployment and skills shortage
  • Committed to a public declaration of our aspiration for 5% of our workforce to consist of apprentices and graduates on formalised schemes by the end of a five-year period
  • Measuring and reporting on our progress annually against that metric in our Corporate Social Responsibility section of the Annual Report and Accounts or equivalent document
  • Committed to encouraging other businesses to participate in the campaign

We remain 100% committed to our Early Careers programme. This September we tripled our intake (compared to 2019) and have sustained the same level of investment in the programme for next year’s cohort. Our latest recruitment campaign is already live, with opportunities across a whole range of different discipline groups with a blend of opportunities for graduates, apprentices, Year in Industry and summer placements. We continue to be an active member of The 5% Club and promote the value of joining throughout our networks as there is much to be gained through membership.

If you want more information about The 5% Club email us on or visit The 5% Club website