Climate Change

Human influence has unequivocally contributed to the warming of the planet. What we need to do is clear: limit warming to no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels to avoid the most significant climate change impacts on human and natural systems. It is essential that business plays its part, reducing emissions, adapting to changes and innovating in order to reach Net-Zero by 2050 or sooner.

Our Net-Zero Plan

QinetiQ will need to successfully deliver a diverse range of initiatives to achieve Net-Zero. As is necessary to limit global warming to a 1.5ºC scenario, the scope of our Net-Zero Pathway covers all of our whole value chain, globally, across all of our Scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

We have developed achievable targets based on a planned programme of activities; applying a data-driven approach to inform what we do and when. We also recognise that options for tackling GHG emissions will evolve or newly emerge and so we will continue to horizon scan for opportunities to accelerate our transition to becoming a Net-Zero organisation.

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30% reduction of Scope 3 emissions by 2030
2050 stat

QinetiQ will be a Net-Zero company by 2050 or sooner with achievable and ambitious near-term GHG emissions reduction targets. To deliver this, we will take a global whole value chain approach. We will work proactively with our supplier ecosystem, continue to invest in relevant climate positive research and development to help our customers achieve their Net-Zero ambitions, while improving the operational efficiency and biodiversity of our estates and those we manage on behalf of our customers.

Download our Net-Zero report

                                                                                      Our current emissions footprint
Current emissions

What are we doing?

We submitted our full set of Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions targets to the SBTi in January 2022, with formal assessment and validation scheduled for later this year. We also contribute to and influence the climate change improvements of our wider value chain, which assists our customers and suppliers adapt to intensifying sustainability challenges. We commit to:

  • Achieving our Net-Zero and near-term interim targets
  • Presenting figures and targets in accordance with the applicable reporting standards, including SBTI criteria and the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.
  • Reviewing our targets periodically to ensure they remain appropriate.
  • Taking responsibility for the GHG emissions that remain in our value chain which are not feasible to abate by 2050.
  • Actively contributing to the climate change improvements of our wider value chain, particularly those within our direct sphere of influence such as our customers and suppliers.
  • Leveraging our capabilities and technical expertise to be a leader in this field
                                                                           Our greenhouse gas footprint by scope
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Targeting a Sustainable Future

Download our full Net-Zero Report
Read more about what QinetiQ are doing to combat climate change.
Download here
NZ report feature