Data now underpins how we operate and fight. Data has become the fuel that drives every aspect of operations and ultimately enables first mover advantage. To stay ahead, constantly improving our relationship with data is critical. This includes having confidence ingesting vast and complex data sets, uncovering existing sources of data and connecting and sharing it wherever it exists or is required.

To be data centric, every aspect of an organisation must be prepared for data transformation. This includes combining data and digital skills with operational knowledge and experience and ensuring policies and processes are designed to create an organisation that is unconstrained and fit to exploit data with a ‘constant change’ attitude and a flexible attitude to risk. With these ingredients in place, data-hungry technology and tools can be integrated that will take data exploitation and analysis to an advanced level and allow data to be the centre of everything we do.

Knowing what technologies and tools to integrate requires expert knowledge and a working experience of successfully utilising Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI). When combined with the right skills and processes, these technologies will take on the time consuming task of data collation and evaluation, freeing up personnel to focus on the mission and working with the technology as a team to develop fused, highly assured insights. Through effective integration into information systems, data technology can also help de-burden personnel during missions providing important decision support capabilities.

QinetiQ is a leader in supporting solutions that provide efficiencies and enhancement to customers’ C4ISR enterprises. As part of any data transformation journey, we understand that data should not be an operational challenge but a vital commodity for your mission success.

QinetiQ’s capabilities within Automation of the C4ISR Enterprise Services include:

  • Innovation of automation and AI within the Mission Data domain
  • Development of enterprise-level AI solutions within our home markets
  • Integrating automation and AI into the geospatial and imagery domains
  • Development of Automation and AI solutions with DSTL in the Research and Experimentation domains.
  • Live intelligence systems automation and AI experimentation.