Security & Safety

Building an effective security and safety culture across an organisation requires a significant investment of time and resources. The QinetiQ team can develop your security and safety plans, governance structures, and frameworks. We can detail your security and safety plans, procedures and policies including ICT systems accreditation. And we can also train and mentor your people to make it all work together.

Security & Safety


Security risks and issues are constant and the paradigms are changing almost daily. Threats are developing often faster than the capacity of responsible agencies and organisations to consider and implement counter-measures. This means your specialist security staff and those involved in critical safety and security functions need resources and time to manage the security risks. QinetiQ's security team has the experience and 'know how' to develop:

  • Strategic security frameworks, policies and procedures
  • Agency and Corporate Security Plans
  • Protective Security Risk Reviews and threat assessments
  • Facility and staff vulnerability profiles
  • Travel and offshore security training and awareness
  • Security Systems/'Red Team' Testing/desktops/scenario testing
  • Open Source Intelligence Profiling and Assessments
  • Nuclear, Radiation and Source Security assessments and plans
  • Security construction advice, planning and project management
  • Critical Infrastructure Reviews, including analysis of resilience and risk

ICT Systems Security Accreditation and Compliance

The ICT environment is the most dynamic and volatile of all of the security sectors, and the one which can have the most impact on your organisation. ICT spending is a major outlay for most organisations yet ICT security is usually only considered late in the project design or even after a system is deployed. Do you know if you have implemented the 'Essential 8', the 'Top 4', or the '35' best practice recommendations for ICT security? Are your systems all accredited or assessed? What about your 'cloud' provider? The QinetiQ Team can conduct audits and assessments, including 1st and 2nd stage accreditation certification, for your systems. QinetiQ takes a holistic approach to ICT security ensuring that all aspects of systems are fully compliant with the Australian Government Signals Directorate standards in the Information Security Manual (ISM) including physical, personnel, disaster recovery and infrastructure security.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Management and Planning

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery management and planning is an essential part of today's governance, risk and compliance environment. Developing, managing and testing plans and procedures is a full time ongoing job. A major incident training and exercise program is essential if you want to understand the full extent of incidents impact on your business. Additionally, your disaster recovery plans need to be validated and tested, including analysis of the adequacy of preparation for major incidents such as developing and assessing 'hot sites'. QinetiQ's team has training modules to meet all requirements for senior executives, security and safety officers, practitioners and employees across all levels.

Training Analysis, Design, and Delivery

QinetiQ's strength lies in the knowledge, skills and experience of our people. We can provide high level training and awareness packages for any function or application to support your Governance, Risk and Compliance requirements. Our team hold nationally accredited training qualifications and have a depth of experience in conducting training needs analysis, design and delivery across a broad scope of activities including security, governance, fraud control, ethics and integrity, 'in house' administrative investigations, project management and business impact analysis to name some. To be effective, training and awareness levels need to be tested. Our team can design effective testing methodologies to ensure your staff have the right knowledge and skills for their job.

Work, Health and Safety

At QinetiQ, we provide leading-edge WHS advisory and support services for agencies that don’t just want to meet but exceed levels of legislative compliance and establish an innovative and positive WHS culture. We are especially interested in Upstream Safety and assisting organisations in understanding and demonstrating their due diligence duties. You may be seeking external assurance of your existing WHS management systems, development of systems for new sites or organisations, or just short-term supplementation of your safety team expertise or capacity. Our core services include:

Safe Design

Safe Design involves activities that assist organisations in demonstrating compliance with WHS designer and other duties relating to plant, from concept through commissioning, in operation and disposal.

Some of the safe design services we offer are:

  • the identification of strategic safety risks that may influence design and project decisions
  • identifying upstream safety risks and developing safety-related project documents, including a detailed review before procurement decisions
  • facilitating upstream safety risk workshops
  • incident analysis to identify design related issues arising from legacy equipment to inform current design decisions
  • development of engineering safety requirements
  • development of system safety programs and plans
  • system safety risk mitigation activities (including Safety Case development)
  • test and evaluation of safety controls

WHS Management Systems (WHSMS)

We are accustomed to working in complex environments and our team will tailor policies and processes to suit your needs. We develop easy-to-use systems for implementation, compliance tracking and reporting. The traceability between legislative requirements and policies and procedures will give you and your senior leadership group confidence in your systems and that they match your agency’s risk profile.

Under the WHS Act (2011), agencies must have an effective and compliant safety management system. QinetiQ Australia’s consultants have designed and implemented enterprise wide safety management systems for large agencies with high-risk safety profiles through to small office-based ‘boutique’ agencies with low-risk safety profiles.

Some of the WHSMS services we offer are:

  • Access to professional WHS subject matter expertise
  • Policy and procedure design and implementation planning
  • Development and management of organisational-wide WHS plans and strategies
  • Support for senior committee decision-making e.g. writing business cases, strategic reviews
  • Safety risk management: hazard identification, safety risk assessments, integration with your organisations risk management systems
  • Safety training: needs analysis, design and delivery services
  • Increased presence in reaction to a WHS incident or to simply monitor WHS activities on your behalf – we can tailor a package of Managed Services to meet your needs

WHS Audit, Investigation and Assurance

Our WHS audit and assurance services will give your senior leadership group confidence in your WHS management system, assist you with meeting WHS due diligence obligations and provide recommendations on how you can minimise reputation, legal and other risks. We can review your existing safety management system – conducting an independent review of your agency’s compliance with the system and recommend ways to further strengthen your procedures – or do an audit of your compliance with the WHS Act inclusive of contractors and other ‘workers’ under the Act. We will fit in with your agency’s current audit program or provide audit tools and systems to help you establish a program of your own.

Some of the assurance services we offer are:

  • Workplace inspections
  • Management systems audits
  • Regulatory compliance audits
  • Incident Management and investigation