
International Women in Engineering Day 2022


Becky Walsh

Job title: Team Lead Flight & Mission Systems Early Careers
Length of time at QinetiQ: 14 years

What got you interested in engineering?
I have always enjoyed solving problems and figuring out how things worked.

Is there anyone who you admire or has inspired you to take up a career in engineering?
My uncle worked for a company that refurbished aircraft hydraulic equipment and I spent my school work experience there with him. That experience cemented by desire to go into engineering.

What were the biggest hurdles you had to overcome to become an engineer?
Prior to starting a degree in engineering, I experienced a lot of discouragement regarding my career choice from people who had outdated views on women entering the industry. This included my parents, a couple of teachers and a fair few other students at my school and college. However, since joining the engineering industry I have overwhelming found it to be a very inclusive, friendly and welcoming environment and I haven't encountered any further challenges of this nature.

What are the best elements of being an engineer?
I enjoy the challenge of the work and the satisfaction of finding solutions to problems. I also enjoy the environment and getting to work with such a variety of different people all trying to achieve the same goals.

If you weren't an engineer, what do you think you would have been?
I might have considered joining the police force.

If you could say anything or provide any advice to an aspiring engineer, what would it be?
That there are many potential routes into the industry, and to spend time looking into the different opportunities to find the one that you think will work best for you.