
International Pilots' Day - April 26th 2022


Cyril Dodin, Chief Flying Instructor, Rotary Wing

Helicopter in the air

What got you interested in flying?
I was interested in joining the Army and I saw the opportunity of becoming a helicopter pilot after one year in the infantry.

What has been your career highlight?
Being the Commanding Officer of a squadron when I was a young captain

What were the biggest hurdles you had to overcome to become a test pilot?
The selection process was tough with only one place available for 4 candidates.

What is the best advice you have received?
Every bit of advice.

What are the best and worst elements of being a test pilot?
The best part is you get to test usually modern aircraft and state of the art systems. The worst part is usually the never-ending reporting aspect after testing a new kit.

If you weren’t a test pilot, what do you think you would have been?
A front line pilot

If you could say anything or provide any advice to an aspiring test pilot, what would it be?
Do it. You’ll never regret it.