
LTPA rebrands as T3E (Test, Trials, Training and Evaluation)


Stephen Fitz-Gerald

Monday 4 April marked an important day in the evolution of the Long Term Partnering Agreement (LTPA). 

From now, the services delivered under the contract will be known as T3E (Test, Trials, Training and Evaluation). We worked with a wide range of stakeholders and customers across the MOD and industry to develop a name that would provide a more meaningful description of what is delivered through the contract. The name LTPA did not tell customers what is delivered – Test, Trials, Training and Evaluation does. Our MOD customer is keen to promote the facilities and capabilities available through the contract more widely and in particular to encourage more customers from our allies and industry partners to benefit from the services available.

The LTPA has been in place since 2003, but has undergone rapid change since 2017 with a series of interventions to modernise the capabilities and facilities that we can offer to customers. We are now investing over £300 million to make sure we can meet our customers’ changing needs. Since the Reinvigorated LTPA was signed in 2019, there has been a period of transition as we moved to an output-based contract with full operating capability reached in March 2021.

The last year in particular has been very busy, and we are seeing a growing demand for instrumented ranges to support operational training and mission rehearsal. In the future, we see an increased coherence of T&E and training coming together to create efficiencies for our customers.

During the last year, despite the challenges of working through the pandemic, we have upgraded facilities at St Kilda, working closely with the National Trust for Scotland to ensure all works supported the unique environment. At BUTEC we made a number of improvements to the range infrastructure. As part of the Formidable Shield exercise, hosted at MOD Hebrides a number of upgrades to equipment and infrastructure were made. We have also continued to deliver across the Air Range Modernisation and Test Aircrew Training programmes.

As we look to the future, there will be an increased focus on embracing digital test and evaluation as part of our offerings. This will have significant benefits for safety and help reduce the environmental impact, to support the Net Zero ambitions of QinetiQ and the MOD.

There will be a series of roadshows at T3E sites over the next few months to provide more information and answer any questions.
