Airspace protection whitepaper

Providing total airspace protection for Critical National Infrastructure Sites

To protect the airspace surrounding a major critical infrastructure site, we must consider the nature of the threat.

In our Application note “Protection of Airspace Surrounding Critical National Infrastructure Sites” we introduced the growing list of potential threats from the air, and the growing need to develop and operate robust systems to provide threat Detection, Tracking and Identification for airborne threats.

In this whitepaper, we discuss how radar may be used to provide a robust threat-agnostic target detection and tracking capability, but only if designed appropriately. You’ll learn about the inherent trade-offs and compromises in radar design, and why most conventional radar will either fail to provide sufficient airspace coverage, or in order to do so, will require multiple units arranged in non-conventional arrays, to provide at best incomplete coverage of the airspace, often at significant cost.

Our Obsidian radar has been developed specifically for this use case, and we demonstrate how it addresses this problem.

Airspace protection dome

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