Our customers need to stay ahead of technological and operational change in order to maintain and enhance their information advantage. At the centre of this change is the way data is consumed and exploited, and overcoming the significant challenges that data presents.

This includes being overwhelmed by the volume of data, where it is ingested faster than it can be exploited, the variety of data bringing complexity and stove piped in hard to reach locations and working with inaccurate or untrusted data that cannot be analysed effectively.

In the data centric, complex operating environments we now operate in, you need agile and highly flexible systems and services that are designed to manage constant change and development whilst remaining assured and secure across all domains of intelligence. These systems and services sit at the heart of our customers’ enterprise and are the engines that the data is poured into to support and enhance their intelligence-led operations.

We design, build and support intelligence systems and solutions across single and multi-data environments. We currently operate mature, highly assured systems through to the development of new capabilities using Agile and DevSecOps approaches throughout the intelligence community including Publically Available Information, Geospatial Data and the fusion of data between intelligence domains. We understand the importance of relevant and flexible intelligence systems and services for customers who are on data transformation journey as they look to keep their operational advantage in an age of increasing data complexity.